X2 Solutions designs and manufactures wastewater and effluent treatment equipment, with high delivery performance. Our solutions are capable of meeting specific customer needs and demands.

Along with our standard and customized solutions, from the simplest to the most technologically advanced, we offer our supervision during the start-up and testing phases, besides an equipment management supervisor service.

We cater to a broad spectrum of business sectors, including the agri-food industry, livestock breeding, animal-husbandry, the agro-industrial and the municipal sectors.

Contact us to inquire about our custom-built wastewater and effluent treatment equipment.



As for the agri-food sector, thanks to our vast experience, we can provide end-users with solutions having several features in common, such as simplicity of operation and low management costs. Based on such standard, we are able to offer competitive solutions to businesses affected by stringent regulations on the disposal of waste to sewers or surface waters. Besides our highly efficient systems, our customers can rely on our supervision during the start-up and testing phases, besides an equipment management supervisor service. Our design studio carefully assesses each application to deliver optimal solutions for enhancing systems, even existing ones.



For this sector, where the inorganic pollution component is greater compared to the other sectors in which we operate, we have developed highly efficient chemical-physical treatment plants aimed at eliminating polluting agents, such as surfactants, dyes used in dyeing plants and laundries, oils emulsified in glycol and iron used in metalworking industries. In addition, our systems, designed to reduce chloride levels in tanning processes, can also be used in industrial processes, in particular, scrap conveyance.



Thanks to our vast experience, our products are highly efficient in treating slaughterhouse, meat and ham waste. In this regard, we were able to successfully overcome issues linked to a variety of polluting agents such as high grease and oil content, suspended solids and significant organic load concentrations. Our screening and conveyor solutions developed for slaughterhouses can be installed directly in the production lines and are suitable for separating and handing different types of waste. Our flotation units were able to achieve high performance (removal of 85% of suspended solids and fats) in depuration plants owned by companies operating in this sector. We have also developed systems and equipment for the winemaking industry that were able to successfully achieve discharge values falling within the parameters foreseen for wastewater discharge to surface waters.



The systems and equipment destined for this sector have the main purpose of obtaining purified water that can be reused for various purposes, i.e. irrigation, discharge to surface water or for cleaning stables and any other application required by the client company.



Besides manufacturing civil wastewater treatment systems, we also deal with their installation at all types of plants engaged in water depuration, drinking water purification, pre-treatment, intermediate lifting stations for sewer networks, wastewater recycling, lifting stations and water networks.
